Stone Selecting Skills
Selecting stones for dummies, and for advanced crystalnauts, who are those used to navigating the vast, seemingly endless space, of varieties of crystals on gathering expeditions, is revealed now.
Starting with our beloved dummies, who are brand new to choosing crystal companions and champions, to make this as simple as possible just try these methods to start:
Go with your visual attraction. If it looks good to you, then it's good for you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and once you hold that glittering baby in your hand, you'll see, feel and understand why you were drawn to believe in its beauty.
The hovering hands approach is a sensory method using Psychometry, whereas you slowly sweep your palm over and above a few crystals and sense a sensation of any kind on your hand or anywhere else in the body. And it may not come as a sensation but instead an impression of any kind. If you feel nothing from most of the crystals yet one stands out in any way, choose that one.
The rainbow method is simply choosing a stone for each color of the rainbow, and you should end up with seven stones. These can then be used on each chakra (a topic for another time), so you can immediately begin to use your beginner's collection.
Birthstones and jewelry are a way to get your feet wet. Pay better attention to the crystals you already own in jewelry and learn why you selected those gems, why you were attracted and what your birthstones are. Simply wearing genuine birthstone jewelry will begin to realign you to your birth map whereas the challenges and triumphant talents you innately possess can begin to become clear.
And for the advanced cystalnauts, ready to boldly venture into the next far reaches of the crystal collecting frontier, my advice is simply this: go with your gut. If you keep searching only for the rarest or largest or even the most expensive for the sake of padding your collection, it can become an addiction whereas you no longer fully appreciate the original wonder and splendor, the awe and childlike newness for the numinous you once held in your heart.
So I only have advice for you rather than any new technique, since all others are tried and true, and my advice is this: hold a definite purpose to your collecting. Collecting pills or medicinal vials is unthinkable, and greed is not becoming, so rather, if you have purpose for more crystals, then by all means gather them up. I offer you this suggestion: share their wealth. Just as the Crown Jewels and largest and rarest specimens are on public display, so may yours be put on public display or shared in some communal way. This is the best advice for the true Crystal Keepers. Sharing is caring. For any personal crystal that you do not want shared with the energies of others, those you do not need to collect extra large quantities or multiples of, for intimacy is best kept to a small group.
A seemingly magical hint: when you share and are open to the world of crystals, crystals will find you. What you seek, is also seeking you. And this is not only true for crystals, but for all things